Services | Tawa Corps

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We meet each Sunday at 10:00am at 177 Main Road, Tawa. If you can't make it for any reason, join us via Facebook Live on our public Facebook page, or catch up on previous services here


Our family church services on a Sunday morning are a time to gather together as the Body of Christ to experience God's presence, pursue more of Him and to encourage one another. We start at 10:00 sharp (ish) but feel free to join us for barista-made coffee and a chat from 9:30; music practices tend to start around 8:30 and prayer at 8:00.

Sundays are for children!

Alongside our family services we run two children's programme's during school terms. 'Adventure Kidz' is our preschool and primary school aged kids church programme. You can find out more about this programme here.